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Change in signing financial statements

It is advisable to remember that in 2022 the way of signing annual financial statements  by entities which are managed by a collective body has been amended. The said amendment introduces a necessity for an annual financial statement to be signed and dated by the person responsible for keeping account books and the manager of the entity or, if an entity is managed by a collective body, all members of that body or at least one person being a member of that body, after the other persons being members of such body:

  • make statements to the effect that the financial statements meet the requirements laid down in the accounting act,


  • refuse to make such statements.

A refusal to make a statement shall be tantamount to a refusal to sign the financial statements and requires written justification.

A statement to the effect that the financial statements meet the requirements laid down in the accounting act or a refusal to make such statement, as the case may be, shall be attached to the financial statements.

A refusal to sign, or a statement or a refusal to make a statement, shall be prepared in an electronic form and provided with a qualified electronic signature, a trusted signature or a personal signature or prepared in paper form and provided with an autograph signature.

Where an entity is managed by a collective body and where a refusal to sign, or a statement or a refusal to make a statement were prepared in a paper form provided with an autograph signature, one of the persons being members of that body and signing the financial statements shall have electronic copies of these documents made.

The above mentioned documents shall be filed to the Repository of Financial Documents.

The above provisions shall also accordingly apply to a report on the entity’s activities, which shall not be signed by the person responsible for keeping account books.

Monika Chojnacka
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