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14 September 2020

Person Authorized in Branch to Represent Foreign Entrepreneur

An foreign entrepreneur may run business activity in Poland in many forms. One of them is a branch. In case of this form, Article 16 of the Act on Principles of Foreign Entrepreneurs Participation in Business in Poland, imposes an…

8 September 2020

Remote Work Performed by Employee

The Act of March 2nd, 2020, on Specific Solutions Connected with Preventing and Combating COVID-19, Other Communicable Diseases and Crisis Situations Caused by Them (hereinafter the “Act”) introduced the term of remote work. In the light of the Act’s provisions,…

24 August 2020

Acquiring Polish Citizenship By Virtue Of Law

According to Article 14 of the Act on Polish Citizenship, a child acquire the Polish citizenship by birth if at least one of the parents is the Polish citizen. As a consequence of this provision, there are many people all…

18 August 2020

How To Discharge Prewar Mortgage Form Land And Mortgage Register

In the Polish Land and Mortgage Register it is still possible to find prewar mortgages securing loans. A mortgage creditors in such cases usually have already passed away and it is almost not possible to determine their heirs. However, it…

25 July 2020

Statute of Limitations of Interest for Delay

Interest are of accessory nature to principal performance. It means that, as a general rule, interest expire no later than the principal performance. For example, if a claim for price payment expires (in the event of business activity the statue…

3 July 2020

Facilitations in Tax Residence Certificate

On the basis of Article 77 p. 61 of the Act of June 19th, 2020, on Subsidies for Interest of Bank Loans Granted to Entrepreneurs Affected by COVID-19 and on Simplified Arrangement Proceedings Due to COVID-19, to so called Anti-Crisis…

6 June 2020

Amendments to the Act on Loan Redemption for Micro-Enterprises

In the latest draft Anti-Crisis Act 4.0, the government proposes to introduce, among others, changes regarding the settlement of loans granted to micro-enterprises. Pursuant to the act currently in force, a micro-enterprise may submit to the poviat labor authority an…

30 May 2020

Remote Shareholders Meeting

Due to the coronavirus pandemic the deadline for approval of the annual financial report has been extended by three months. It is hard to say whether the epidemic situation in Poland will improve in the nearest future. In such circumstances,…

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