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9 August 2021

Electronic Companies Register – Easier with Attorney-At-Law

As of July 1st, 2021, the Electronic Companies Register has been launched. It consists of: Portal of Register Courts: – for filing electronic applications to the Companies Register (KRS); Repository of Registry Files: – for checking electronically the…

23 May 2021

Obligation to Provide Recovery and Recycling

The Act on the Obligations of Businesses Regarding the Management of Certain Types of Waste, and on Product and Deposit Fees, imposes on every entity introducing on the market products in packaging, an obligation to provide recovery and recycling of…

23 March 2021

Internet Stores Have to Apply for Entering into BDO Register

According to the Act on Waste, almost every, even the, smallest internet store in Poland, is obliged to apply to the Register of entities introducing products, products in packaging and managing waste (BDO Register). Article of that Act stipulates that…

18 February 2021

Electronic Applications to National Court Register Delayed

In connection with the entry into force on February 12, 2021 of the amendment to the act of January 26, 2018 amending the act on the National Court Register and certain other acts (Act of January 21, 2021 amending the…

18 January 2021

Basic Steps to Be Taken to Secure Business Activity During COVID-19

The situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic resulted in the introduction of many changes and restrictions by state authorities, which in turn had a significant impact on the activities of entrepreneurs in Poland. The changes introduced can be evaluated differently,…

9 December 2020

Obligation to Place BDO Number on Documents

Pursuant to Article 63 of the Act on Waste, some entrepreneurs being subject to entry to the “Register of entities introducing products, products in packaging and managing waste” (hereinafter referred to as the “BDO Register”), are obliged to place their…

14 September 2020

Person Authorized in Branch to Represent Foreign Entrepreneur

An foreign entrepreneur may run business activity in Poland in many forms. One of them is a branch. In case of this form, Article 16 of the Act on Principles of Foreign Entrepreneurs Participation in Business in Poland, imposes an…

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