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Compliance is quite new term in business and means compliance with legal provisions in force. Due to more and more regulations imposing on companies new obligations, it concerns not only big corporations but also small entrepreneurs.

Within the specialization of compliance we assess compliance of company’s activity with legal provisions and develop necessary mechanisms and procedures in that scope. It concerns wide variety of different aspects of entrepreneurs’ activities:

  • personal data processing,
  • anti-bribery procedures,
  • procedures eliminating risk of unfair competition act,
  • procedures of anonymous reporting of irregularities (whistle blowers),
  • relations with consumers,
  • obligations resultant from the labor law, including proper recruitment, anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination procedures, management of health and safety regulations,
  • corporative obligations resultant from the Polish Commercial Companies Code,
  • obligations resultant form environment protection law, including BDO,
  • liability of collective entities.

Because of possible consequences for not fulfilling obligations imposed on entrepreneurs, it is worthy to pay more attention to compliance. High pace of changes in law, it is also good to monitor and regularly control adopted procedures. Every year new obligations are imposed on entrepreneurs. About some of them we inform on our blog.

Would you like to use our services? You can contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+48 22 463 47 70).

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