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Every company has a lot to do with personal data. Entrepreneurs are the controllers of their staff, contractors, clients or participants of marketing actions. It is very sensitive area and all operations with personal data should be conducted in compliance with the principles determined in the GDPR.

Our Law Firm has great experience within the scope of procedures related to personal data protection and conditions of such data processing. We can conduct an audit in your company and check whether you handle personal data in a proper way. If anything requires improvement, we will find it and help you with change.

The services in this area include in particular:

  • verification of legal basis for personal data procesing,
  • verification of personal data processing scope,
  • verification of information obligations performance (including clauses used on forms for personal data collection) and proposing changes (or drafting relevant clauses),
  • verification of clauses for consent for personal data processing nd proposing changes (or drafting relevant clauses),
  • information on rights of data subjects,
  • veryfication of necessity to appoint the data protection officer,
  • drafting up sub-processing agreements,
  • preparation of documents connected with personal data processing in the company (including Security Policy and Privacy Policy),
  • help in preparation of procedure for reporting infringements to the relevant supervisory authority,
  • provision of training courses in personal data processing.

Would you like to use our services? You can contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+48 22 463 47 70).

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